Gimli, son of Glóin, appeared in our town!
We should create a Fellowship

Even uruk-hai know that you don’t mess with those who serve your beer

Who would think that regular folk wanted to join me? Some of them probably saw business opportunities even among the orcs. But Ugthak’s troops – probably accidentally – saved a merchant, who was willing to run the inn. Guess, you don’t need a sword or axe to be brave among those stronger than you. Besides, even uruk-hai know that you don’t mess with those who serve your beer. And I’m pretty sure the man could be more useful later.

You’d be surprised how much you could do, fix and prepare for bigger political games in such places. And the man provided some troops for my army. How can I be mad at him, even when his beer and other drinks are piss-poor? Occasionally he could give me a hint or two about hidden treasures, where my warriors could find precious goods.

Besides, I was gathering more territories, more goods and my armies were rising into strength. It was too early for third commander, but one day it will happen. For now, two leaders fighting like demons were enough for me.

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