We were just preparing for bigger conquest
My territory grew bigger and wider

Gandalf returned from Minas Tirith with the two hobbits, Merry and Pippin.

Our new builders did great. We improved the barracks, walls and expanded the main hall to the final level. It was a magnificent sight. Scouts reported that many regions of Middle-earth were at war. The borders of kingdoms changed very rapidly, people fled to different lands. From Lonely Mountain to the Bay of Belfalas, chaos had been sown everywhere.

Gandalf returned from Minas Tirith with the two hobbits, Merry and Pippin. There was also another person with him who I could not recognize at first sight. He wore a large cloak and a hood covered his face.

We were constantly training new units. Thanks to better barracks, training grounds and stables, we could now conscript Guards of the Tower, Dúnedains, Cataphracts and elven Sentinels (those who pledged their loyalty to Godnor). We were finally getting stronger.

Each commander had about three thousand souls under him. Seasoned warriors, archers, and riders were all ready to brave the enemy that was to come from the east and north. Gandalf asked me to assemble all the troops in the square in the barracks.

And then, this stranger in the cloak appeared. It was King Aragorn, once again dressed in the globetrotter’s robes, and he came to fight arm to arm with his soldiers.

The armies were ready to march, we had to take the battle to the enemy.

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